Yoryina's Sweet 16 Photo Shoot
At the age of 16, most teens want to hang out with friends, be cool, and have fun. And if your a girl, I'm pretty sure that one of the biggest things to look forward to is your Sweet 16. This is definitely the case for Yoryina who's parents booked us for her Sweet 16 coming up later this month. But before the party begins, we went ahead and did an awesome photo shoot for her to capture some traditional photos of her in a fabulous dress and to capture her personality. A week before the photo shoot, I remember talking with her a bit trying to get some info so we can decide on a place to shoot. She loves pretty much all music, the color pink as you'll see, shopping, and having a good time. She definitely did an awesome job being this was her first photo shoot ever. After this session, I'm convinced her Sweet 16 party is going to be a blast. So here are some of our favorite photos. Feel free to drop some comments below ;-)